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Bardic Trails Online Poetry Series: Wendy Videlock
Join us on the first Tuesday of every month for an online gathering of words, wit, and wisdom! The brainchild of the Talking Gourds Poetry Club, each Bardic Trails poetry night features an award-winning guest poet sharing their new and exciting work.
Feb 4th: Wendy Videlock
We'll follow the feaured poet's reading with Q & A about their work and inspirations, with time afterwards for poetry sharing from attendees- a Gourd Circle of sharing whatever poetry you wish or just listening in. For those who desire, a poetic prompt will be announced.
Zoom link can be found at https://www.tellurideinstitute.org/western-slope-calendar/
Bardic Trails is brought to you by the Telluride Institute and Wilkinson Public Library.